Lily Magnolia | Interior Design Squarespace Template
The Lily Magnolia design is warm and clean and will give your website elegance, yet simplicity. This Squarespace 7.1 template is perfect for home decorators and interior designers.
This product is built with classic Squarespace 7.1. builder, and supports Fluid Engine.
Designed pages include:
About page (2 options)
Services page
Portfolio section
Contact page
A few saved customized blocks so you can add to new pages you wish to add
All pages are easily duplicable and customizable in the case you’d like to add more to your website.
VIEW THE DEMO (password: webdemo)
* All website templates are installed by Imagiweb Design in 1-2 business days *
The Lily Magnolia design is warm and clean and will give your website elegance, yet simplicity. This Squarespace 7.1 template is perfect for home decorators and interior designers.
This product is built with classic Squarespace 7.1. builder, and supports Fluid Engine.
Designed pages include:
About page (2 options)
Services page
Portfolio section
Contact page
A few saved customized blocks so you can add to new pages you wish to add
All pages are easily duplicable and customizable in the case you’d like to add more to your website.
VIEW THE DEMO (password: webdemo)
* All website templates are installed by Imagiweb Design in 1-2 business days *

The Lily Magnolia design is warm and clean and will give your website elegance, yet simplicity. This Squarespace 7.1 template is perfect for home decorators and interior designers.
This product is built with classic Squarespace 7.1. builder, and supports Fluid Engine.
Designed pages include:
About page (2 options)
Services page
Portfolio section
Contact page
A few saved customized blocks so you can add to new pages you wish to add
All pages are easily duplicable and customizable in the case you’d like to add more to your website.
VIEW THE DEMO (password: webdemo)
* All website templates are installed by Imagiweb Design in 1-2 business days *